
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Reality

Dear life,

 Im not mad but yes im a bit frustrated the way things have turned out to be. You know this is not what I wanted you to be and you very well know what exactly I had in mind. why is that then things have crapped up so bad for you??. At one stage you were going perfect and then in the next minute how come you leave me in a position that iam in today??? Look im really flattered that you keep giving me dreams that are even hard to digest and when you wake me up in the morning , everything is just the same and im still stuck in this mess....I don’t want to end this with you, I seriously don’t but you have to give me something to believe in and as it stands there is nothing.. Every where I look it shows “ROAD CLOSED” or “DEAD END”.. I mean come on mate what did I do to deserve this?? Im not complaining about what has happened as I understand that what has happened has happened but I think I have come a bit too far to walk back . I cant settle for the “when one door closes another opens stuff”, because I really need this to happen and this is what I had always wanted. But today when I look at it , all my paths are blocked and there is no way that I can move these blocks myself , I have been trying that for 6 months now man doing nothing else , I mean how much more can a person take???  I would really appreciate it if you could bring a miracle as you have often brought to me. Im counting on that buddy and the way I see it, I don’t have many options left. You have always been my best friend and you always will be, so just help me out here mate and whatever you bring for me tomorrow ill greet it with open hands and an open heart.


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