
Sunday, June 13, 2010


I understand that im just 21 .... and yes i do have a long way to go... but every time i do or achieve something ,i take a look ,back at what i have got in hand now and what i had before... and then these questions rise inside me.. "have i done good???"... " was i humble enough??" .. "could have i done better"... " maybe i was arrogant "... or maybe"i am" ... and there had been instances in the past when people tell me that i am being too aggressive , too ambitious and ARROGANT.. but hey when i look at it again... " all the greatest men in the world were... "

Alexander the great.. was 'AMBITIOUS' , 'ARROGANT' yet 'GREAT' .. wasn't it him who conquered almost half the world, never was defeated in a battle and whose legacy still lives in our books and other references???

Adolf Hitler.. One of the greatest personalities to walk on planet earth.. A true.." DICTATOR "... he wanted Germany to be at the Pinnacle of Success .. he was ARROGANT ... AMBITIOUS... he did great things.... maybe terrible .. but still they were GREAT...

okay, as the football fever is on let me put my third and final personality as a football legend..
Diego Maradona .. The present Argentina coach at FIFA world cup was undoubtedly "THE BEST" in his playing days and was he ARROGANT... Maradona is worshiped back in Argentina and they even have a church in his name... so is he "GREAT" or what? ....

so i wonder... Is ARROGANCE = GREATNESS ?? because almost all the greatest men i have come across even the GREAT MAHATMA GANDHI was ARROGANT to a certain extent...

but yet i hear elders saying HUMILITY is what defines GREATNESS ... which is thought provoking ... how do you measure humility??? is it just a quality or is it the person as a whole???

“Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.”

If at all the above lines are true... then i guess its just the envy which makes the rest feel that all the GREATEST men are ARROGANT.. because they are just not willing to accept and appreciate the GREATNESS in someone..

so folks the bottom line is if ever you come across someone who you think is haughty or ARROGANT ... please dont mis understand because i personally believe that they are simply busy looking "GREAT"

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