
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Different Worlds

2011 is behaving like 2012. Im quoting that in comparison to the 2012 movie which portrays the end of the world. Wow, i never did imagine that somebody could portray the end of the world. Anyway the situation that im trying to point out is about the change in the world. This is not the 70s or the 80s when parents had all the control over their kids telling them what to do and what not to. Believe me i went through the same and to add a note to it, things have not turned out the way i wanted it to be, for me.. You cant expect somebody to follow a specific routine which were followed back in the 90s and be successful in the 21st century. As a matter of fact we are lucky because around 60% of us have an idea of what we want to do in life and the rest 40%, which includes me too are yet on our way to discovering it for ourselves because of some wrong choices that we had to take in the past.

How often have we taken wrong choices??  are they really wrong?? .. I guess they are not. The problem lies in the fact that the output of the very particular choice have been laid out before by someone else, who had been successful with that particular output, at that point of time. Its already programmed in us that success for a particular choice is measured on how well your output matches with the blue print laid out by someone else, which of course was his success. So what are we?? we are just ants following suit in a line on a path laid out by someone else who in the ants case would be their leader. There is nothing wrong in thinking free and being different as long as you have, a clear cut idea of what you are doing and your goal in mind. Being yourself is a success, being the mirror image of someone else is not. Not everybody can enjoy the same success following a trail which was already laid.. As Ralph waldo Emerson said.. "Go where there is no path and leave a trail of your own ".

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