
Monday, June 20, 2011

TiCk ToCk

I sit, watching the sand trickle,
Minutes at home … to hours in office.
Lost in the clear blue mind of mine..
Time… it waits for no man.                                    

The tick, the trickle and the chime of the bells..
I hyperventilate…
Doddering with a quivering head,
I fade my days away..

My love, my life, my hopes and my dreams,
Keeps getting farther away from me…
My world left unconquered,
An evil spell cast upon me..

The tick and the tock
Is all that I hear..
Louder  in silence,
Faint it be in dreams..
 Those decimals seem discreet to me..

 Like a timeless machine , I work..
Hoping to Stumble success on way,
trying to value the trickle..
Alas.. not to fulfill my dream..

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